Medway City of Sanctuary’s next meeting will take place on Thursday 2nd of June at the Canterbury Street Mosque Gillingham at 7.30pm. All our welcome male and female and our hosts will be providing light refreshment. (Footwear will need to be removed out of cultural respect).
Our host speakers have been asked to give a Muslim perspective on the current refugee crisis and will be telling us of their ongoing humanitarian efforts on behalf of refugees near and far which have involved much practical aid from the local community.
Local councillor Adam Price will also be speaking who is on the Management Committee of City of Sanctuary.
We look forward to meeting you all again at what promises to be an interesting and informative meeting. There will also be news of Medway City of Sanctuary’s involvement in Refugee Week and other potential developments.
The full address is the Gillingham Mosque 114 Canterbury Street Gillingham ME7 5UH